1 – Provide Your Requirements
Please go to the order page on our website. You need to be sure you are very specific in terms of the work and what you want done. We will do everything you say, no problem! But do not expect us to put 20 references for an 8-page paper if you did not specify that it needs to be done. So. Be. Very. Specific. And don’t yell at us if you need your professor’s lectures cited but did not provide them. Attach any documents, lectures, readings or anything else that may relate to your order. When you are sure that we have everything that we need to complete your work, submit your order.
2-Proceed with Payment
Once you have completed placing your order, you will be transferred to PayPal where you can either pay with your PayPal account or you can use your credit/debit card.
3- Time to Work
Once we receive your order, we will review it. If we have any questions, we will call or email you. If there are no questions, then we will assign the order to a suitable writer. The writer will then complete the work in the time frame specified.
4- Your order Arrives
You will receive an email when your order is complete. If you have any questions about your order you can always click on the live chat or call us.
5- Come Back and see Us Sometime
Pretty self-explanatory. Come back. We are here all the time. And we can help you. So place some orders. Lots if you want.
6- Speak of us, Glowingly, but Only if you Want to, Of Course
We love to hear it when a new customer comes because he/she was referred to a friend. It makes us feel all warm inside. So go ahead, tell your friends. Don’t be shy.